Saturday, August 10, 2013

Bio Poem

Journal Entry#1: Give students the format, allow them enough time to write their first drafts.
As a class discuss the meaning of each line.  Address line 2, students have been asked to find four adjectives that will describe themselves to their readers. Discourage the use of words like "nice", "sweet", "smart" "good" or "bad" because these are words that "tell", but they do not "show" the reader who the students really are. Start a list of tired, over used adjectives and discourage their use.

Explain the importance of multiple drafts and not just settling for the first draft because they may feel that they can whip out a master piece without much thought.

Students will need to keep up with the outline for all types of poems used in this unit because they will use the outlines again in future units when writing about characters in fictional text or real people in informative text.

Must Haves:
AR Book

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