Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Childhood Memories

"The Book of Memory" ~Paul Auster


"The Book of Memory" is an excerpt from Paul Auster's book The Invention of Solitude. In this passage, Auster revisits moments from his early childhood. We will read this passage three times, each time for a set purpose.

Reading #1: I will read the passage aloud. What feelings does the passage evoke? What tone is used throughout the passage? Does the tone change at points throughout? What is the author's purpose?

Reading #2: Read passage to self. Highlight words and phrase that are unclear or unfamiliar. Discuss possible meanings for words and phrases with a partner, then in small groups, then as a whole class. Clear up misconceptions.

Reading #3: Read with partner. Partner 1 reads a paragraph, Partner 2 makes an "I think..." statement about what was read. Switch back and forth until passage is complete.

Mini-lesson on pronouns.

Discuss possible reasons why the writer chose to write about himself in 3rd person.

Writing Assignment: Journal Entry- What stands out as prominent memories from your childhood? Write a full page on the topic. Using "The Book of Memories" as a mentor text, compose your memories in the way that Auster composed his memories.

  "Memories and Such" by Tracei Willis 

I remember thinking Marsha, Greg, Bobby, and Cindy all watched a TV show about my life.
I remember searching my Papa's sport coat for hidden Slim Jim's.
I remember riding on the back of my Uncle Paul's motorcycle.
I remember the red, blistered marks on my thigh from leaning against the exhaust pipe of his motorcycle.
I remember sticky, sweet Cream of Wheat topped with creamy butter, sweet milk, brown sugar, and crunchy wheat germ, it was more like dessert than breakfast...

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